Your girlfriend loves movies and wants love like from a romantic fairy tale? Ask her to marry you on the big screen and you will become her favorite actor.

Szczegóły pakietu

You want something really original. We will write a romantic scenario for you ... Immersed in comfortable armchairs, you hold hands while waiting for the commercials, and instead of them ... The light dims, a love song comes from the speakers. Maybe your favorite? Your loved one is already a little confused, and then scenes from your life appear on the big screen - travels, antics, meetings with friends. Then, a short film with you in the lead role, in which you confess your love and ask for your hand. Are you ready for a happy end? Engagements "On the Big Screen" are priced individually depending on the location of the length of the film, the place of preparation, the number of additions ...
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    Klaudia & Andżelo

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