Do you want to get engaged near the stars? We'll take you to the highest building in Poland, 200 meters above the ground. On its terrace, there will be a brightly lit inscription "Marry Me", ambient music, romantic decor...

Szczegóły pakietu

Cena od 2350
You will offer a view of the city skyline from a height of over 200 meters and you will go to the Sky Tower Observation Deck which we will prepare for you, and there... On the 49th floor of the skyscraper, it will be just you and the sunset. If you want to celebrate this moment being accompanied by your beloved ones and friends, everyone can stand on the terrace. When you kneel, she will also feel weak at the knees! We will make it a beautiful, intimate and unique experience for you.
Sky Tower Observation Deck exclusively for you
We will prepare ambient music resounding in the background
The Sky Tower observation deck is rented exclusively for you
Romantic space that will be filled with candles, floral decorations, candles, rose petals
Romantic climate will be accompanied by the illuminated inscription  MARRY ME
We will prepare romantic music playing in the background
Beautiful big flower box with everlasting roses, a gift for the Bride
A bottle of champagne or your favourite wine
Professional photos from this special event (extra charge)
Ask for additional decorations such as helium balloons or live flowers during the conversation we will have.
Zapytaj o ofertę

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Email: [email protected]

Telefon: +48 792 277 744


    Klienci o tym pakiecie

    Klaudia & Andżelo

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